Due to the foregoing, it is essential for the companies’ senior management, as well as its management boards are actively involved in the entrepreneurial training processes and ensure the update of operative and commercial areas thru their chains of command, for avoiding infractions or felonies that may be costly for the organization or affect its reputation.

  • Importance

    Regulations within the entrepreneurial scope are highly unpredictable and challenging for any business trying to develop in the national and international market. Likewise, non-compliance penalties are high-impact and may cause irreversible damage ending with sources of labor and supply chains.

  • Focus

    INTRADE Smart Law Firm focuses on our client’s needs by understanding their business and the risks they face; thus, we constantly develop training and coaching programs in corporate areas that may prove to be critical for our clients, based on the authorities’ surveillance acts, and the official publication of new reforms to the juridical or regulatory framework.

  • Certification

    Likewise, we have developed standards for certifying skills, experience, and technical knowledge in various subjects of entrepreneurial compliance that are currently recognized and valid in Mexico and internationally.

Corporate Governance

Our training and coaching service is flexible enough to be implemented in our clients’ companies, taking care of specific needs or through entrepreneurial associations and organizations, as well as in private events organized by our commercial partners on the following subjects:

  • Legal and Compliance Audit

  • Prevention of Money-Laundering

  • Corporate Integrity

  • Tax Compliance

  • Protection of Personal Information and Data

  • Technology Law

  • Foreign Trade and Customs

  • Criminal Liability of Legal Entities

  • Forfeiture

  • Management Systems:


Information Protection



Supply Chain Safety Compliance

Entrepreneurial Risks


  • Obligations and Agreements

  • Means of Defense