Legal and Criminal Compliance

Our corporate compliance team is integrated by lawyers and professionals specialized in various international risk-management, and best corporate practices systems. Our service offer in this matter includes preventive counseling and legal defense if one of our clients is involved in any criminal investigation and/or administrative-law or civil disciplinary action proceeding.

Specialized consulting / strategic solutions

  • Criminal Liability

    As we are aware of the companies’ criminal liability, we have designed a specialized consulting methodology that allows us to understand our clients’ industry or sector and to be able to identify any risks and weaknesses that may cause equity damage and/or threaten their legal certainty.

  • Entrepreneurial Awareness

    Our consulting service consists of preparing risk matrices, policies, manuals, measures, criteria, protocols, rules, codes, and any other useful corporate control element, with the purpose of self-regulating the conduct of those integrating the various chains of command within the companies, helping create a true entrepreneurial awareness in strict compliance with lawfulness and entrepreneurial good judgment.

  • International Recognition

    INTRADE Smart Law Firm has successfully advised and represented Mexican and foreign companies before various jurisdictional organisms, facing potential violations to the fundamental rights of entrepreneurs and their companies, and being able to certify with effective evidence a due organization control, as well as solid and well-focused governance structures.

Our services consist of the design, implementation and surveillance of the following instruments and actions:


  • Consulting regarding entrepreneurial criminal liability

  • Consulting for the implementation of compliance models in critical areas of the company such as: tax, labor-related, environmental, health, prevention of money-laundering, personal data protection, anticorruption, corporate fraud, trafficking, seizure of the company’s information, modern slavery, intellectual property, among others

  • Risk matrices

  • Compliance policies

  • Preparation and/or amendment of bylaws with the purpose of formalizing the corporate will for corporate compliance

  • Design of automated systems

  • Creation of corporate structures aimed at entrepreneurial compliance

  • Consulting and accompaniment for the dissemination or socialization of compliance policies, codes, manuals, among others

  • Creation of complaint and counseling channels for their management

  • Coaching for preparing compliance officers

  • Training for senior management and its administrative and operating staff

  • Consulting for the implementation and certification in various risk-management systems

  • Internal and external audit processes

  • Integration and maintenance of files.

  • Assistance during the proceedings of verification and/or information requests by tax authorities

  • Defense before governmental acts and/or decisions that pose a threat to corporate interests

  • Preparation of expert auditor’s reports regarding compliance and corporate governance

    Legal counseling regarding domain forfeiture.