Lic. Fco. Arturo Cerón Gómez
Fco. Arturo holds a Bachelor of Law degree, specializing in various areas such as criminal Law, economic law, and human rights.
He studied the seminars “Sistema acusatorio penal” at the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico; “Causas de exclusion del delito” at the Institute of Judicial Studies of Mexico City Superior Court of Justice.
Likewise, he has studied the following seminars:
“Human rights and gender” and “Human rights and violence” at the National Human Rights Commission; “Compliance” and “Federal Forfeiture Law” at the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales (INACIPE), the ISO 31000 update program regarding Risk Management; ISO 19600 Compliance Management Systems, ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management Systems, ISO 37031 Compliance Management Systems; a diploma course on “Crime Theory and Criminal Accusatorial System” at the Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de Mexico.
He studied the diploma course on Writ of Amparo imparted by the National Supreme Court of Justice and a postgraduate course in Corporate Crimes and Criminal Compliance at the Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
He currently holds the position of Special Projects Director, as well as consultant in the implementation of legal-criminal compliance models.
He is a trial lawyer in criminal and civil matters regarding forfeiture actions, and he is also an active member of the World Compliance Association.